Acroyoga Chair (Safe Exit Strategies)
Acroyoga Chair (Safe Exit Strategies)
Here we learn how to safely exit the chair pose in multiple directions. It's good to practice your "emergency" down ahead of the actual emergency. Please watch all the way through before attempting these exits.
Series containing this video
AcroYoga- First Steps!
Welcome! I'm so happy you've chosen to learn Acro with me today- there are several instructors here to learn from and I'm honored to be chosen to learn from! Having said that, I strongly believe that learning from different voices is one of the absolute best ways to discover your practice. That is how I learned and how I continue to learn. In this series you will be armed with all of the tools you need to feel like you've got the basics covered. It's easily the most important part of Acroyoga. The things you learn from the beginning will stick with you for life- so it's best to learn the right way from the start! I'd start from the beginning every time. No matter how much you feel you've gotten the basics down, keep doing them. I'd love it if you said "I'm pretty sure I've done the first module 300 times". By then you will have established a movement pattern that feels natural. From that point on you will feel confident and even impress veteran bases and flyers with your consistency. This is not to say you should watch the first episode every time, but to keep those key points in your practice.
More from this instructor
Acroyoga Front Plank Part Four
We're going to add some sugars and spices to our plank position now. It's time to cook up some preps towards transitions to different poses. We start by shifting weight to fewer points of contact and getting comfortable with single leg/arm holds. Intro - 0:10 Warm up / review tips - 0:30 Base queues - 0:47 Flyer queues - 1:05 Range of motion drills - 1:19 Hands free range of motion drills - 1:44 First transition demo - 2:50 Flyer cues - 3:07 Base cues - 3:25
Acroyoga front plank part three
You're doing GREAT! If you're here you've made some significant progress. I can't express enough just how important these steps are, as little as they seem. Here are the final tips and queues towards your front plank shape. You'll have some challenges to work through... remember that it might feel like a struggle sometimes, but with patience and hard work, you'll feel comfortable in no time. Hand release practice - :38 Hip release - 1:05 Queues for flyer/base - 1:28 Safety queues - 1:57 "Gas Pedal" - 2:14 Flyer specific queues - 2:55 Common mistakes - 3:23 Emergency down - 3:47 Hands free entry - 4:09
Acroyoga front plank part two
Step two! We'll add the exciting bit here- going into the air! Don't worry if there are some shaky base legs. That will work itself out in time. We're here to make progress, not perfection. Remember that everyone is doing the best that they can and to be patient. Base queues - 0:14 Prep for lift - 1:10 Elbow bend for Lift - 1:45 Safety queues - 3:14 Flyer queues - 3:55 Plank exit - 4:37 Homework - 5:00
Videos covering post-requisites to skills in this video:
Straddle Throne
Straddle Throne Variations
Backwards Facing Back Whip
Whale to Throne
Basic Throne Pose
Eggbeaters (no hands leg-wrap throne mount)
Reverse Throne to Foot to Hand Connected Pop
Bird to Throne Connected Pop
Mermaid Pose from Throne
Swinging Gate (Throne Transition to Rev Throne)
Reverse Throne Entry From Ground
Whale to Foot to Hand Connected Pop
Whale to Throne Connected Pop
Throne to Foot to Hand Connected Pop
Straddle Throne
Straddle throne is a classic acroyoga pose that is great for beginners and shows up in a variety of washing machines later in your practice. In this video we explore entrances , exits, alignment, range of motion and spotting.
Straddle Throne Variations
Straddle Throne is a great position to work with because its one of the first L-basing poses where we can can start to explore flyer shape changes, jumping entrances and transitions to other poses.
Backwards Facing Back Whip
This video breaks down the whip that begins in reverse throne and swings to reverse bird; it is recommended that you have watched the videos on tempo and front swing first.
Whale to Throne
In this video we review how to transition from high flying whale to to throne . This is one of the first transitions we teach our acro students as it teaches lots of useful concepts such as how flyers transfer weight, bases learn how to use level changes to enable the flyer to move with ease and how to spot the skill when beginning to work with it.
Basic Throne Pose
"Throne" (sometimes called "straddle throne") pose is one of the basic ABC moves of acroyoga. Here we break down the pose with a standing entry from the ground. Skill demonstration 0:55
Eggbeaters (no hands leg-wrap throne mount)
"Eggbeaters" are a mount into throne or reverse throne that involve one wrapped leg on the flyer and no hands connection. They can seem intimidating at first but we break down this move for you in detail! Skill demonstration 1:04 Please use a spot if you have one since the balance on this one can be a bit squirrely at first!
Reverse Throne to Foot to Hand Connected Pop
This pop is all about timing! While the flyer doesn't need to travel far they need to move from the bases hands to feet while moving backwards over their feet. In this video we review the directionality, mechanics and spotting to allow you to work into this pop.
Bird to Throne Connected Pop
Popping our front plank to throne is one of the first pops we teach as its a great place for flyers to learn how to change shape during a pop and for bases the get to learn the foundations of timing their pop and how to receive the catch softly. We also introduce a style of spotting that is versatile beyond just this pop.
Mermaid Pose from Throne
This is an easy and attractive pose you do coming from throne. If you have some back flexibility as a flyer you can really make this one look nice! Skill demonstration: 1:05
Swinging Gate (Throne Transition to Rev Throne)
Here we show you an easy transition from throne to reverse throne and vice versa. The footwork for the base is really crucial to getting this right so we break this down in detail! Skill demonstration: 1:39 Please have a spot following the flyer from behind!
Reverse Throne Entry From Ground
Here is the most basic entry into reverse throne, from the ground. We show with unwrapped legs but feel free to try with wrapped legs as well (see our tutorial on "Eggbeaters" in this same series.) Skill demonstration: 1:14 Please have a spot since this can be wobbly until you get used to it!
Whale to Foot to Hand Connected Pop
Once you have practiced your whale to throne pop and throne to foot hand this pop will seem like the next obvious step. This video introduces the concept of "tempo popping" and offers ideas on how to blend multiple pops into a larger pop that travels further.
Whale to Throne Connected Pop
Whale to Throne is on of the first pops we teach that involves a flyer shape change. This pop is a great way for a partnership to develop their timing and start to work into pops in a progressive way. We review the steps necessary to get the flyer in the air and the spotting and base responsibilities to keep everything safe and predictable.
Throne to Foot to Hand Connected Pop
This is one of the most accessible pops that winds up balancing on the bases hands. While not a large pop it can teach us a lot about integrating tempo to time our pop as well as how to use just the right amount of throw to get the flyer where they're trying to go. We also dive into the key points for basing, flying and spotting this skill.