Results for "Scott Mcdonald"
Air Step Arm Freeze Tutorial
One Arm L Sit Tutorial
Reversão Tutorial
Helicoptero Tutorial 2019
Air Step Arm Freeze Tutorial
Ahoy! 0:00 Intro/Background Info 0:30 Skill Description/Before You Start Training 2:19 How to Enter the Air Step Arm Freeze 3:36 Drills/Exercises 4:47 Troubleshooting 5:12 Alignment Issues 7:24 Rotation + Engagement Issues 8:03 Mindset 8:45 Outro One last thing I didn't mention in this tutorial but would like to emphasize: the potential for pain or injury from crashing this trick is pretty high, especially if you have a history of joint pain. If you can train yourself to tip into a headstand or back to your feet (always staying in line with the angle of the freeze) rather than allowing yourself to twist and fall sideways, you greatly diminish those risks. Check out Dyzee on YouTube over at and online at Thank you very much to Alckemy/ZNSEI for the music! Check out his soundcloud at and YouTube at Happy training, as always let me know if you found this helpful and you can always message me for tips or feedback on instagram at
One Arm L Sit Tutorial
Welcome to my One Arm L Sit tutorial! This one is a bit rapid-fire at times with the information; my apologies. Please pause the video whenever you need to read something, and if anything needs clarifying please let me know. 0:00 Intro 0:28 Background Info/Before You Start/Pre Requisites 2:42 How It Works 2:54 Lean Functionality 3:06 Body Positioning Functionality 4:00 Engagement Functionality 4:37 How to Enter the One Arm L Sit 5:54 Exercises/Conditioning Drills 7:50 Common Mistakes/General Troubleshooting 8:23 Positioning Mistakes 9:38 Engagement Mistakes 10:16 Movement Mistakes 11:21 Training Mindset/Outro Many thanks to ZNSEI for the music! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comments or DM me on
Reversão Tutorial
The reversão is a trick that comes from capoeira; it's basically a mix of a meia lua de compasso/touchdown hook and a front walkover. 0:00 what's a reversão? 0:30 stretches/warmup 1:12 drills 2:27 putting it all together (raised surface) 3:11 lower surface 3:53 learning the landing (floor) 4:21 putting it all together (floor) 4:30 common mistakes/troubleshooting 7:47 variations 8:11 toodleooooo :)
Helicoptero Tutorial 2019
Hey everyone! Finally finished the helicoptero tutorial. It's quite long but I hope you find it thorough and helpful; please let me know in the comments! Whether you want to skip around or watch the whole thing, here are some quick timestamps. There's a cliffsnotes-style summary at the end :) Warm-Up 1:27 Step One: Cartwheel 2:03 Step Two: Sweep 3:23 Step Three: Landing 7:04 Troubleshooting 8:42 Variations 10:55 Cheat Sheet Do's and Don'ts 11:24