Turn Table Transition
Turn Table Transition
This therapeutic transition offers a little more of a strength challenge for the base than the prasarita twist. This transition can be done in both directions.
Series containing this video
Acro Therapeutics
Acro Therapeutics is a practice using acrobatic basing to invert, stetch and traction a flyer. This series takes you through the foundational postures of acro therapeutics as well as some of our favorite variations and transitions. We've also some non-flying bodywork sequences for some grounded therapeutics.
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A washing machine is series of acro poses strung together that start and end in the same place. In this series Sean and Emily teach 6 foundational washing machines that are common in many acro communities. There are an endless number of washing out there. These are a great place to start to fine tune your acro partnerships and have some fun expanding your acro practice.
Tricky Acro Balances and Inversions
This series contains some fun and challenging balances for both base and flyer. These shapes can be made possible with patience and persistence. Of course, it does help for many of these poses if the flyer has some experience in how to invert themself, and the base can hold the flyer on one leg.
Acro Washing Machines Series
Acro Washing Machines Series
Acro Washing Machines Series
Tricky Acro Balances and Inversions
Tricky Acro Balances and Inversions
Tricky Acro Balances and Inversions
Videos covering pre-requisites to skills in this video:
Turn Table
Side Star to Straddle Bat
Star to Straddle Bat Connected Pop
Elbow in Traps
Folded Leaf
Star to Straddle Bat
Side Star to Straddle Bat
Sidestar to Straddle Bat to Sidestar is one of the most common transitions in L-basing acro commonly known as carthweels or tick tocks. This transition shows up in many washing machines and has lots variations progressions you can build off of it. In this video we review key points on how to control the level changes and speed as you learn the movement as well as spotting for common pitfalls.
Star to Straddle Bat Connected Pop
This pop is really exciting when we begin working it as it is one of the first inverted pops we can attempt and asks for a good deal of trust in our partnership. In this video we go over the nuances of how to generate power and transfer force as well as the concept of "positive pressure". and how we can utilize the idea to help maintain connectedness as we transition from shape to shape.
A really fun and relaxing position for the flyer to just hang out, like a hammock. We enter from the straddle bat position.
This therapeutic posture offers a deep spinal rounding for the flyer from the straddle bat position.
Folded Leaf
This is a fundamental posture of therapeutic flying. We can do a lot of body work from this position and a lot of a=our therapeutic flyer can start from this position.
Star to Straddle Bat
This transition is a great exercise for bases to learn how to assist their flyer in getting up onto a higher level. We discuss the concept of maintaining "positive pressure" to enable the flyers weight shift. This transition also sets up the foundation to eventually pop between these poses.