

Foot to Hand (low, extended)



Foot to Hand Pistons

Foot to Hand Pistons are a great exercise to develop coordination of base and flyer movement. In this skill flyers receive an opportunity develop smoothness of transferring their weight to allow the base to move, while bases develop unilateral strength in their arms from a wide range of motion.

Sean Langhaus

Foot to Hand Presses

In this video we breakdown the mechanics of pressing a bent arm foot to hand to straight arm foot to hand. This skill is brought together by coordinated timing of base and flyer and strong grsp and stability of the two component poses. In this video we discuss several smaller progressions and breakdown of base and flyer roles.

Sean Langhaus

Reverse Bird to Foot to Hand Connected Pop

This pop represents a step up in challenge from our previous pops as it incorporates a blind stand and commitment to body position from the flyer, skillful pop and catch from the base and a delicate timing to bring it all together. In this video we breakdown our thoughts on building this into a consistent skill in your toolbox and spotting to assist us in learning and commiting to the movement.

Sean Langhaus

Reverse Throne to Foot to Hand Connected Pop

This pop is all about timing! While the flyer doesn't need to travel far they need to move from the bases hands to feet while moving backwards over their feet. In this video we review the directionality, mechanics and spotting to allow you to work into this pop.

Sean Langhaus

Standing Flyer Balance Skills

This video contains a set of skills that is designed to increase the base’s ability to make the subtle adjustments needed for good feeling balance, and flyer’s ability to maintain body shape and tension in balance skills. Spotting demos come after base and flyer demos, so please watch through the video before attempting these skills. Mastery in these elements leads to comfort and ease in hand to hand later so take your time getting familiar with them! Hand to Hand Essentials Video 1
