Headstand Basics

Headstand Basics


This video covers two different variations of headstands, including how to place your head and arms, and safe self-spotting using the wall. This is a great video if you are just learning how to do a headstand or you want some tips on how to make them feel more stable and less scary!

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Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana) Basics

This video covers a details description of how to position your arms and shoulders for this pose, including drills to learn how to safely kick up into forearm stand, and several ways to use the wall for safety and to train new skills. This video is perfect for anyone looking to improve consistency with this skill, or for someone learning it for the first time.

Juliana Burkhart

Videos covering post-requisites to skills in this video:


Taps and Floats for Headspins

In this lesson we will learn some basic skills for getting comfortable with our taps and floats so that we can really start spinning!

Headstand → Headspin

Headspin Crash Course Trailer

Can you spin on your head??? This is probably the number one question I have been asked since I started breaking in 2005. The answer is yes, and you can too! This tutorial contains everything you need to learn how to spin on your head! ... OK, maybe not EVERYTHING. But if you have a solid movement foundation and you are interested in the exciting world of brain-carrier-rotation this is a great place to start! In this 3-part tutorial, we will take our headspin from 0 (headstand) to float (wheeee!!). Prerequisites: solid headstand (hands on the floor) for 10 seconds.

Headstand → Headspin

Basic Headstand and Fingertips for Headspins

In this lesson we will learn some basic skills for getting more comfortable on our head!

Headstand → Headspin

Winding Up in a Headspin

In this lesson we will learn the windup: the prep for our headspin!

Headstand → Headspin