One Arm L Sit Tutorial

One Arm L Sit Tutorial


Welcome to my One Arm L Sit tutorial! 

This one is a bit rapid-fire at times with the information; my apologies. Please pause the video whenever you need to read something, and if anything needs clarifying please let me know.  

0:00 Intro
0:28 Background Info/Before You Start/Pre Requisites
2:42 How It Works
2:54 Lean Functionality
3:06 Body Positioning Functionality
4:00 Engagement Functionality
4:37 How to Enter the One Arm L Sit
5:54 Exercises/Conditioning Drills
7:50 Common Mistakes/General Troubleshooting
8:23 Positioning Mistakes
9:38 Engagement Mistakes
10:16 Movement Mistakes
11:21 Training Mindset/Outro

Many thanks to ZNSEI for the music!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comments or DM me on


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