Staff is a very old flow prop used in martial arts, traditional dances and in more modern times flow arts. Staffs can be various lengths and forms and can be used in various modes including contact staff in which the staff will roll along the body.
Staff Skills
Tog Same Ladder Boxes for Double Staff
Okay, this one was my favorite so far 😍 Tog Same Ladder Boxes for Double Staff!! Thank you to everyone who has been sending me videos of you trying these moves! Seeing people play with shapes always makes me happy 😊 Let me know if there are any other things you want to learn! 📦 #boxtech #tippytech #doublestaff #derbersterf #shapearmy #sticksout #firestaff #circus #flowartsuniversity #flowartscommunity #flowartsinstitute #flow #flowarts #tutorial #stafftutorial